The Peacefarm Productions
Creative Evolutionary Award
Positive Use Of The Media
Recipient so far:
Sandra BernhardSandra Bernhard began her career at L.A.’s famed Comedy Store in the ‘70s, and since then has written and starred in numerous one-woman shows, acted in movies and on television, recorded albums and authored books. “She has chutzpah to spare, but it’s her articulate intelligence that earns our attention … It’s [her] combination of glamour and accessibility that accounts for Bernhard’s enduring appeal.” wrote the Los Angeles Times. We interviewed he during her tour of the show "Good Reasons For Bad Behavior" and will be undating with her for the 12/12/12 Celebrations.
Jon Anderson (the voice of Yes) is undoubtedly one of the most recognizable voices in progressive rock as the lead vocalist and creative force behind Yes. Anderson was the author and a major creative influence behind the series of epics produced by Yes and his role in creating such complex pieces as Close to the Edge, Awaken, and especially The Gates of Delirium was central to the band's success. Additionally, Anderson co-authored the group's biggest hits, including, "I've Seen All Good People", "Roundabout", and "Owner Of A Lonely Heart". He gave an amazing concert in Santa Cruz and we will be featuring some clips ongoing. See CREATIVE EVOLUTION "Rainbow Rejuvenation" at:
Daniel Mollner "Project 52" is the title for Daniel Mollner's year-long dance/film project in 2012. Creating an original 3-5 minute video every week for a year, he finished the film... at the end of 2012... and had touched so many lives in doing it.
Creative evolution was flowing in every film... that showed the quest of the human soul to cocreate... inspiration from inspriation. Thank you for the healing it did Santa Cruz where is was based. We made a music video with Daniel on the beach... and when it is edited - it will be CREATIVE EVOLUTION "Beach Dancing" at:
The media is a tool it is not good or bad.. it is carried with the energy we give it. These people have chosen to use this most powerful tool to enlighten and for that we are grateful.
This is a list of Honorary Creative Evolutionaries - we would like to give an award to - we are either in the process of contacting them or will in the future - know that we love you and your work is healing our world.
The honored ones who inspire us to live creatively through our evolutionary transformation that we plan to give an award to in the future:
Jon Stewart and all the people who are part of "THE DAILY SHOW" on Comedy Central where you can watch the "real" news.. always entertaining and yet still very informative and better yet.. inspiring that we need to get involved with our world - that it can be fun and even make you laugh.
Michael Moore who has done many wonderful films and books to get us to see that the America we love needs our love - we can no longer survive and be apathetic and he makes us laugh as well.Morgan Spurlock who made the groundbreaking film: "SUPER SIZE ME" about Obesity and the Fast Food Industry where he eats nothing but Mc Donald's food for 30 days and in a short time he threaten what was at the beginning of the film - a very healthy body. He has many programs to help change the food that is given to kids in schools and is focused on how huge obesity has become, especially in our children since the invent of fast food that is mostly geared to them - with toy give always and even playscapes.
Bill Maher with his new show "REAL TIME WITH BILL MAHER" first started out with his out spoken TV Show Politically Incorrect on Comedy Central and then for a short time was on ABC and now landing on HBO he is witty and honest about what really needs to be said in America and he still makes us laugh.
William Arntz, Betsy Chasse, and Mark Vicente who made the wondrous film:
"WHAT THE BLEEP DO WE KNOW?" that brought audiences out by the droves to discover the connection between Quantum Physics and Metaphysics and to inspire us about how much more we are and can choose to become.Duncan Bridgeman & Jamie Catto who made the amazing film: "1 GIANT LEAP"
an artistic music and video collage about our beliefs - asking who we are and we are becoming? This film is very much along the lines of "WHAT THE BLEEP DO WE KNOW?" and should be riding on it's tales to theaters.
Jennifer Abbott, Mark Achbar, & author Joel Bakan who first wrote the book- THE CORPORATION: The Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power. The timely film: "THE CORPERATION" is very revealing and entertaining piece of work that takes a profound look at the new king - large corporations and how they rule. The best part is the correlation between psychology and the how corporations behave.
To more precisely assess the “personality“ of the corporate “person,“ a checklist is employed, using actual diagnostic criteria of the World Health Organization and the DSM-IV, the standard diagnostic tool of psychiatrists and psychologists. The operational principles of the corporation give it a highly anti-social “personality”: It is self-interested, inherently amoral, callous and deceitful; it breaches social and legal standards to get its way; it does not suffer from guilt, yet it can mimic the human qualities of empathy, caring and altruism. Four case studies, drawn from a universe of corporate activity, clearly demonstrate harm to workers, human health, animals and the biosphere. Concluding this point-by-point analysis, a disturbing diagnosis is delivered: the institutional embodiment of laissez-faire capitalism fully meets the diagnostic criteria of a “psychopath.”
PAY IT FORWARD this mind blowing film is based on Catherine Ryan Hyde's 1999 novel and was written into a screenplay by Leslie Dixon. The film directed by Mimi Leder is based around a teacher (Kevin Spacey) who asks his students if they can come up with an idea to really help the world. Having asked this question of many classes for years he did not expect much when the young student (Haley Joel Osment) got up to explain how if we help 3 people who in turn "pay it forward" by helping 3 other people - each to better their lives with something that they could not do on their own.. we could effect a lot of people for the better. The film features the transformation of this teacher and the student's Mom (Hellen Hunt) falling in love because of many "set-ups" by the student himself - as one of his first 3 good deeds. We then watch this idea take form through all the lives that are touched. The movie as created a foundation to continue the work the movie began. This is the best form of cinima.. where our lives really are changed - really.
Stephen Simon & THE SPIRITUAL CINEMA CIRCLE - with such awe inspiring movies like: What Dreams May Come, Somewhere In Time, and more recently Indigo, and March of the Penguins, & Conversations With God - this Visionary Director has altered Hollywood forever and proved that people really want more transformational, heart centered movies. Simply enough, a huge number of people are no longer interested in glorified violence or seeking to scare themselves with horror. Now, so many wonderful films can be shared through this amazing club that supports the making & distribution of films that can help us to grow through watching. As this movement gain momentum it will be seen that this is where the market is heading - and Hollywood will simple do what it always has done.. follow the money.
The Secret - about the art of manifestation
that opened many people all over the world
to their own potential within.
"You Can Heal Your Life- The Movie"
by Louise Hay - also a book.
Louise Hay is head of HayHouse and her first book
is in 25 different languages and in 33 countries.
Over her career as a spiritual leader
she has written 20 books..
and is involved in many projects all to
help empower others to their highest good.
A Film On The New Science of Healing...
In response to 9/11,
Rev. Dr. Michael Beckwith wrote:
Light on the Path of an
Emissary of Peace
- it is brilliant and helped to inspire
is a documentary film
currently in pre-producations
with Peacefarm Productions about the process of visionary artists
together with spiritual & heart centered political &
New Thought leaders - co-creating
a Human Rights Proposal upgrading what we
now know about Emotional Intelligence
& the brain - into education, healthcare, &
worker’s rights.
We are seeking responces to the 60 year old
United Nations Universal Human Rights Declaration.
What does it mean to us... what should it mean to us & our future?
How can we support & empower
Human Rights Education for a peaceful world?
Michael Beckwith's
Overcoming Obstacles
Rev. Dr. Michael Beckwith was in "What The Bleep Do We Know?"
and continues to influence so many all over the world with his
books CD's, & DVD's and ministry through Agape Church
where he is the founder and spiritual director of Agape International Spiritual Center, a trans-denominational community in Los Angeles.
He is the founder of the University of Transformational Studies and Leadership, and an international speaker and meditation teacher.
Beckwith is a featured teacher in the film The Secret, and has also appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show and Larry King Live.
His books include Inspirations of the Heart (Agape, 2004) and
A Manifesto of Peace (Agape, 2002).
Do yourself a favor and do his 40 DAY MIND FAST SOUL FEAST
it leads us through our willingness to serve in the transformational process we are all growing through and
start allowing more synchronicity that guides us all into living in Dreamtime.
Spiritual Liberation: Fulfilling your Soul's Potential
Michael Bernard Beckwith
& Rickie Byars Beckwith